Emergency Dentist El Paso, TX

If you are in pain from a toothache, you will need a dentist who can immediately meet your needs and provide you with emergency dental services in East El Paso. Our emergency dentist is available for same-day appointments and will likely be able to reach you as soon as you arrive at our office.

Emergency Dentist in El Paso, TX
Emergency Dentist Near Me – El Paso, TX Dental Office

Do you have a dental emergency?

Life can throw curveballs at you at inopportune times. And sometimes a dental emergency can happen suddenly. Some dental emergencies may require immediate dental care, while others can be handled within the next week. It’s also good to know if you should see your dentist or visit your local emergency room. Determining your symptoms and the severity of your conditions will help you know what the best outcome is for you.

Dental emergencies are generally any situation involving uncontrollable bleeding, facial bone trauma, and extreme pain. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact our office immediately or call 911 if you believe your life is in immediate danger.

Here are some common dental emergencies:

  • Injuries that affect your gums
  • Fractured jaw
  • Lost filling
  • Abscess or Infections
  • Chipped or broken tooth
  • Partially dislodged or knocked out tooth

What to do in a dental emergency

Immediate attention to a dental emergency is vital. Sometimes a missing tooth can be saved if an emergency dentist is visited within 30 minutes of the tooth being knocked out or broken. While you’re waiting for your emergency dental appointment, there are important steps you can take to help you deal with your problem:

  • Toothaches: If possible, try to clean around the tooth well by rinsing it with warm water. You can also try gently flossing to remove any trapped food. Use an anti-inflammatory pain reliever like ibuprofen, if needed.
  • Tooth loss: If you lose a tooth, make sure you find it only by touching the tooth on the top only because the bottom root is susceptible to germs and bacterial infections. If you can, place the tooth back in the socket and bite down gently to hold the tooth in place, keeping the tooth secure while you head to the dentist. If you can’t keep it in the socket, you can put the tooth in some milk until you get to the dentist to try to save it.
  • Infection or abscess: If you are suffering from a bacterial infection, there may be discharge from an abscess or a large amount of swelling. Our dentist may prescribe antibiotics to cure the infection. Sometimes an ice pack on the affected area can offer some relief and reduce swelling.
  • Bleeding gums: Noticing a little blood while flossing or brushing isn’t always a problem. Severe bleeding as a result of trauma, on the other hand, constitutes an emergency and should be seen by a dentist or the emergency room as soon as possible. Gently biting down on sterile gauze can help reduce bleeding until a dentist can fix the problem. You can also try to stop the bleeding with a wet tea bag because it contains ingredients that are known to coagulate the blood.
  • Missing filling: If you have lost a filling, chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to seal the tooth until a dentist can be found.

Comprehensive and compassionate dental care

At Dentist Near Me in El Paso, TX, we are committed to providing complete and personalized care to all of our patients. When you arrive at our East El Paso dental office, we will do our best to help you relax and feel comfortable in our cozy office before your procedure. Our East El Paso emergency dentist makes sure your concerns are taken care of properly and with absolute precision using the latest technology.

Schedule an appointment today!

Schedule a dental appointment today with our dental team by calling (915) 213-5480 or send us a message by filling out the form on this page. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible and can answer any questions you have about dental emergencies, dental treatment, insurance, or financial options available to our patients.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

East El Paso Location:

13371-14 East Lake Ste 207 El Paso, TX 79928

Contact Information

(915) 213-5480

Fax: (915) 671-1981


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(915) 213-5480


13371-14 East Lake Ste 207 El Paso, TX 79928

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